Liturgy & Sacraments

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Liturgy & Sacramental Life

The entire St. Joseph School student body and faculty attend Mass every month as a school as well as special days and Holy Days. During the year, every grade takes a weekly turn attending the 8:30 am Mass at St. Joseph Parish. Our students also often serve as altar servers, choir members, and gift bearers for Mass. Various faculty also provide their gifts and talents and serve as Eucharistic ministers. During Advent & Lent, student participate in Reconciliation services.

Liturgy & Sacramental Mass

Sacramental Life

“The Catholic understanding of Sacraments is rooted in the personal experiences and encounters of the faithful with the Person of Jesus. This understanding arises from a personal encounter with our Lord as an historical person in a specific space and time. In a very real sense, Jesus was the Sacrament of God for the people.”

“Although Jesus no longer physically walks among us, we believe that He is nevertheless alive and active in our lives. We celebrate the presence of Jesus in the Word of God; we celebrate the presence of Jesus in our observance of sacred liturgies and rituals, in hymns, religious art, and in a variety of other ways. For Catholics, however, the primary experience of the presence of God is found in our encounter with Jesus through the Sacramental Life of the Church.”

Sacramental preparation consists of the candidate being currently enrolled in their second consecutive year of Catholic School or Catholic Religious Education, attending regularly, and completing the curriculum. We want our children to have an awareness of, and a relationship with, our loving God and with Jesus Christ, our Savior, prior to celebrating the Sacraments. Members of the Catholic Community of St. Francis Xavier and other parishes participate in the Sacramental programs of their respective parishes.

The following is required of parents and candidates for the first reception of the Sacraments at St. Joseph Parish:

  1. Family registration as Parishioners of St. Joseph Parish is current and active – in other words, they are participating members of the Parish community in practice, not just on paper
  2. Student enrolled and attending St. Joseph School or St. Joseph Faith Formation Classes
  3. Sacramental meeting for parents
  4. Registration form – Baptismal certificate required
  5. Application reviewed
  6. Candidate acceptance
  7. Attendance at scheduled Sessions/Events/Workshops
  8. Adults reference parent resources
  9. Parents assist child with completion of Sacrament workbook
  10. Pastoral visit with Parish Staff or Advisor (Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation
  11. Celebration of Sacrament

* from “The Essential Catholic Handbook of the Sacraments” Liguori Publications.