Alert Summer Office Hours in Effect. Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 2:00pm. Read More

Health and Wellness

Mrs. Amy Protzman, RN, BSN

410-683-0600, Ext.

Health Forms

Every student is required to complete and upload to SchoolAdmin the following documents by August 1st:

Required for all New students PK-8th

Required for all Returning Students

Required for Students taking Prescription Medication during the school day: 

                   and if it applies

Additional Information:

Health Inventory

Health Inventory Part I can now be completed on SchoolAdmin using an electronic format.

Health Inventory Part II will need to be completed by a physician and uploaded to SchoolAdmin.

An annual wellness exam affords the pediatrician an opportunity to conduct a complete physical, emotional, developmental, and psychosocial exam. The physical needs to be completed between September 1st and July 31st of each year.

Immunization Record

An up to date Immunization record is required for all NEW students and returning PK, K, 6th, and 7th graders.

If you have not submitted a current, up to date, immunization record, please be sure to upload to SchoolAdmin, even if entering a grade where it is not a requirement.

All students entering Kindergarten must have received two doses of MMR and Varicella vaccines.  All students entering the 7th grade must have one dose of Tdap and the Meningococcal Vaccine.

Over the Counter and Prescription Medications

An Over-the-Counter (OTC) medication form is now required to be completed for EVERY student. This list of optional, discretionary medications are for occasional use only to alleviate your child’s minor discomforts and avoid early dismissals when possible. All OTC medication will be dispensed by the school nurse based on their clinical assessment. This form must be signed by a physician and you MUST supply the school nurse with the medication. Families with multiple students in the school may supply one bag of stock medication, but one form will need to be completed for each student. If you do not want your child to receive medications you must still complete the form noting that.

Students requiring prescription medication or OTC medications not listed on the OTC form during the school day require a Medication Authorization Form to be completed and signed by both the physician and parent/guardian.

No OTC or prescribed medication will be administered to a child without proper documentation on file in the Health Office.

All medications are required to be supplied to the Health Suite in a labeled, mesh zipper pouch, that you can order by clicking here. Please contact one of the nurses to set up a time to drop off medications in their original containers. Plan to allow time for review of medication receipt and completed forms. Please have all medication in by August 18th.