Alert Summer Office Hours in Effect. Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 2:00pm.

Service Club Receives $500 Grant from Parish Committee

One of the longest-running outreach practices of the school, providing weekly sandwiches for Our Daily Bread, has just been given a large boost, thanks to a $500 grant from the Good Samaritan Committee of St. Joseph Parish. SJS Service Club Advisers, Mrs. Ann Kihn and Mrs. Mary Kay Willard, say they are very grateful to receive this award, which will help purchase supplies to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to be donated to the Catholic Charities organization. Ms. Kati Belsole, Outreach Coordinator for SJP, wrote her committee is happy to help continue "this St. Joseph School tradition" adding "We thank you for sharing God's love with those you serve and wish you many blessings in all your endeavors."